febrero 28, 2007

so sad!!

I was totally commited to write an entry after school, but life is cruel...i'm really charged with homework so i guess i prefer to sleep a little bit more than writting a lot.

Today i had to do some research about a famous and prolific architect, the one that i had to search about is the mexican architect Ricardo Legorreta...if you know something about this field you should know some of his work, which i think is one of the most important expression of mexican architecture. I love the way he uses colors, geometric volumes and solid compositions. Check out some of his work, it's really amazing: http://www.legorretalegorreta.com

Well friends of mine...have a nice sleep

I totally forgot to say that from 2 weeks ago i 've started gym...now i'm working out from 6 to 8 in the morning and taking kick boxing and capoeira classes, awesome isn't it???


Wow...it took so long for me to know how to create a new entry!!! but now i know...so i'll be writting after school, right now i'm meeting some friends at the subway and i'm kind of late.

I hope somebody is still reading my blog, and i hope it's you Laura!!!! ok???

See ya everybody and keep checking out my page

Au revoir mes amis!!!

and by the way, the image has nothing to do with the entry, but since i'm an architect...

febrero 05, 2007


Esta es la primer entrada de mi blog y como soy nuevo en esto creo que no va a ser la mejor que lean, ok? Estas vacaciones de verano han estado algo locas y creo que he estado desconectado hasta el punto de no saber lo que hago. Me fui de vacaciones a Houston, habia planeado estar 1 mes, pero al estar alla me di cuenta de que todo esta totalmente diferente asi es que decidi regresarme a la segunda semana...todo cambia constantemente y hay momentos en los que me encantaria que el mundo fuera algo mas estatico, es imposible pero la realidad es tan acelerada que a veces no puedo con ella. Aunque fueron dos semanas la pase increible, hice muchas cosas y adquiri muchas deudas, lo cual me tiene algo preocupado pero pues al final lo material va y viene...lo que importa es que vivas al maximo disfrutando lo que puedas, no creen?

Saludos a todos y espero esta vez ser un poco mas constante y lograr escribir por lo menos una vez a la semana.

And for those who can't read spanish, don't worry i'll be posting some entries in english, it may be a good way to practice my writing...and by the way, this first entry is dedicated to Mr. Taylor, whose blog is very interesting, he encouraged me to create a blog long time ago.