febrero 28, 2007


Wow...it took so long for me to know how to create a new entry!!! but now i know...so i'll be writting after school, right now i'm meeting some friends at the subway and i'm kind of late.

I hope somebody is still reading my blog, and i hope it's you Laura!!!! ok???

See ya everybody and keep checking out my page

Au revoir mes amis!!!

and by the way, the image has nothing to do with the entry, but since i'm an architect...

2 comentarios:

Barakah dijo...

It is hard to keep up with posting every day. I tried that with my first blog and found that I was no longer enjoying writing. It became a chore. Now I try to write a few days a week. It gives you more time to find inspiration and it is less like homework.

♀♀♀ dijo...

But of course my horse!! i always want to hear from you!! Siempre estoy al pendiente!