abril 26, 2007

Picture of the Day!!!

amazing picture taken by my friend Alejandra (runaaaaa) pupila del mal!!!
Great composition...i liked it a lot!!!! and what a model!!!! jajaja

a break!

finally...after a so requested break i'm not going to school the next 5 days...which is better tan good!!!! i just need a long week end to have some (a lot) of beers, tequila, vodka...etc, and lots of fun in Aguascalienteeeees @ La Feria de San Marcos!!!!
take care y'all...
have fun!!!!
Those are the advertising posters of the Feria...love them!!!

abril 24, 2007

In Mexico, Canada or the rest of the world it is the same....

Everywhere...is the same, architecture is so unique!!
I took this from a canadian guy's blog, it is really good!!! i loved it, it has lots of thing about architecture!!!
go n check it out: http://jkhc.blogspot.com/

Picture of the day!!

abril 23, 2007

Picture of the day!!

picture taken in Cholula, Puebla...a town near to mexico city, lovely place!!!
A pre-hispanic pyramid with a church a the top of it (in the image)


Why do the inhabitants of the United States of America call themselves "americans"???
...the people from Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Honduras, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, etc. are also "americans"...Don't we live in the American Continent!!!???
Do you think you are Amercia??? hell no!!!

abril 22, 2007

The draft of the Day!!!

this is the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico...don't you love it?
(...by the way, it is the biggest in the American Continent)
I also took the picure!!

from my English friend Sime....

1. Maqueta keyboard
2. That's how my bedroom looks like...shame on me

Picture of the Day!

i took it in my university

abril 17, 2007

Picture of the Day!

I don't know if you think so...but this picture resembles to me a perfect definition for EPIC!!!

abril 16, 2007

I need to travel a lot more!!!

Well i guess i'm ok...i'm just 18 years old!

Your Travel Profile:

You Are Mostly Untraveled in Latin America (20%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in the Southern United States (15%)
You Are Mostly Untraveled in the Western United States (5%)
You Are Untraveled in Africa (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Asia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Australia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Canada (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Eastern Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in New Zealand (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Scandinavia (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Southern Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in Western Europe (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Middle East (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Midwestern United States (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the Northeastern United States (0%)
You Are Untraveled in the United Kingdom (0%)

abril 15, 2007

My Celebrity Look-alikes

My cool celebrity look-alike collage from MyHeritage.com. Get one for yourself.

My Celebrity Look-alikes


The draft of the day!

I also be posting some of my drawings...here it goes the first one with a picture of the real building so y'all can make a comparisson!
This post is mainly dedicated to one of my best friends from high school: Berny Cepeda! He is creating a web page in order to show my art work...thanks friend!
I'll be telling you right in the moment the page is available.
Hope you enjoy it, if you don't then get out of my blog!!! hahaha

abril 13, 2007

Picture of the day

After writing about the quake i feel like posting a picture. Hope y'all like it!
I really love that picture, i took it at the downtown close to the Metropolitan Cathedral. What do you think of it?

Earthquake in Mexico city!!!!!!

It was freaking horrible...i hate to live in a city where the aerth moves with that much strenght!!!!
Today at 00:42am an eathquake struck mexican capital, that's Mexico City, it measured 6.3 on the Richter Scale. Even it was centered 64 kilometers (40 miles) north-northwest of the southern coastal resort of Acapulco it was felt strong enough to waken all the slept people!!! It lasted for more than a minute, which was terrible for me...i'm deeply concerned about the consequences of an earthquake, i get really nervous, not at the moment but after it happens because when it hits once there are always more quakes. Today I heard in the news that there have been more than 20 little quakes after the big one.
If you have ever felt one you know what i'm talking about, if you haven't i do not wish you ever feel one.
I just don't want to imagine Mexico City like in 1985 with the strongest earthquake ever in this town, the city was completely destroyed (i was not even borned) but the images i've seen talk by themselves. It was the view from a city in war, thousands of buildings totally fallen, thousands of families death or missing. I guess that if a have a fear is definetly to the earthquakes.
The picture is from a fallen building in Tlatelolco in the 1985 earthquake.

abril 11, 2007

Picture of the day

I'll be posting a picture every now and then...today's pic is one i like a lot: It really speaks by itself.I took it long time ago on a trip to a bay in the US close to Houston..i love it, besides i could sell it to Hollister!!! jajaja


Who cares!!

Today i am supposed to turn in a project done...but as my sister is going to Europe tomorrow for more than a month i prefer to spend the whole day with her...school is gonna be there, but we never know what can happen to the ones we love tomorrow. Besides, family is the most important thing for me, wtf if i don't care bout school just for one day, right???

abril 10, 2007


Have you ever felt like you are giving all you can? Have you ever felt like people is expecting more from you and your work has not been enough for them??? That's how i'm feeling right now...many things are happening in my life and though changes have been for good i'm pretty sure i'll be feeling like this for a while.
I just can't stand the emotion of not feeling sure of my decitions.
Hopefuly i'm not repeating the same mistakes from the past!!!

abril 03, 2007

Je suis tres fatigué!!!

I'm really tired...i just came back from the gym and i have a lot of homework, i guess i'm just going for a coffe to Starbucks, rest and start after that. Besides this week is supposed to be for doing nothing, we're on vacations thanks to Jesus Christ!!!
Why do we, Catholics, never respect our sacred days???? jajajaja i guess we just do it when we get some kind of benefit...jajajaja
Trés mal!!!!

abril 01, 2007

my FORTUNE cookie

Last friday i went to dinner to sushi itto with some friends, at the end the fortune cookies arrived, and since i'm not really into that i did not wanted to open it, but as everybody else did it i did it too. It was a nice surprise, what it has written was:


God i hope it's truth!