abril 23, 2007


Why do the inhabitants of the United States of America call themselves "americans"???
...the people from Mexico, Argentina, Uruguay, Venezuela, Honduras, Bolivia, Canada, Chile, etc. are also "americans"...Don't we live in the American Continent!!!???
Do you think you are Amercia??? hell no!!!

4 comentarios:

♀♀♀ dijo...

Es como la cancion de LOS tigres del Norte, la has escuchado?? ami me gusta mucho!
But you know these people like to think themselves as unique, and whatever they say we (the one born in the American continent) are americans.

Sime™ dijo...

Tigers of the north? :)

i'm Australian, but live in england - if that made me english... i'd walk away right now.


Jorge Torres dijo...

so u r australian??? wow...i'm changing right now the tittle of the other post!!!
And i don't get what u wanna say with "tigers of the north"!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

i love mexico!