abril 13, 2007

Earthquake in Mexico city!!!!!!

It was freaking horrible...i hate to live in a city where the aerth moves with that much strenght!!!!
Today at 00:42am an eathquake struck mexican capital, that's Mexico City, it measured 6.3 on the Richter Scale. Even it was centered 64 kilometers (40 miles) north-northwest of the southern coastal resort of Acapulco it was felt strong enough to waken all the slept people!!! It lasted for more than a minute, which was terrible for me...i'm deeply concerned about the consequences of an earthquake, i get really nervous, not at the moment but after it happens because when it hits once there are always more quakes. Today I heard in the news that there have been more than 20 little quakes after the big one.
If you have ever felt one you know what i'm talking about, if you haven't i do not wish you ever feel one.
I just don't want to imagine Mexico City like in 1985 with the strongest earthquake ever in this town, the city was completely destroyed (i was not even borned) but the images i've seen talk by themselves. It was the view from a city in war, thousands of buildings totally fallen, thousands of families death or missing. I guess that if a have a fear is definetly to the earthquakes.
The picture is from a fallen building in Tlatelolco in the 1985 earthquake.

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